Friday, January 3, 2025

Sabbath Psalms - Lead Kindly Light

Psalm 43:3 Send me your light and your faithful care, let them lead me; let them bring me to your holy mountain, to the place where you dwell. (NIV)

During the mid-1980’s a lot of people got interested in the reports of near-death experiences that seriously injured and gravely ill patients were having all over the world. Some critical event happened in each of their lives that made them feel they were finally dying. They felt as though they were floating above the surgeons, doctors, and nurses who were frantically trying to save their lives in an emergency room. As their spirits floated away, they were drawn to a pure white light, which attracted their souls away from their bodies into another realm.

Some of these NDEs, as they came to be known, said they met Jesus in the midst of the beautiful light and He told them that their time to be with Him had not yet come. All of a sudden, their free spirits rushed back into their bodies, just as a defibrillator, or an adrenaline shot was being used by the health care professionals to resuscitate them.

Documentaries were made about the people who survived death, and they seemed to be changed. They no longer had a morbid fear or fascination with death. To them, it was only a short journey to a better and brighter place. I came across one such person in Scotland, and after she expressed what she had similarly experienced, it also explained to me her change of character and rediscovered devotion to the Lord.

As we go through life, we face many challenges and sometimes we are fearful of what death will bring. This is where faith endures at its best. This is the time when our relationship to God and union with Christ will at last be sealed forever. We will go on enjoying and experiencing this life as much as we can on Earth, but ultimately every journey, no matter how long, successful, or powerful it has become, will end in death. The difference for the Christian will be that directly after death, we will find that sacred abode of light and at last see Jesus face-to-face.

Ponder: How does my faith in Jesus prepare for and lead me into the future?

Prayer: Lord Jesus, You are the Light of the World, but You are also our Light to the Next World. Guide us each and every day, so that when our human journey ends, may we experience our eternal one begin at the twinkling of an eye, through the power of Your compassion, mercy, and love. In Your Holy Name, we pray. Amen.

John Stuart is a retired Scottish Presbyterian pastor now living in Knoxville, Tennessee.

Friday, December 27, 2024

Sabbath Psalms - Only the Lonely

Psalm 148:18 The Lord is near to all who call on Him, to all who call on Him in truth. (NIV)                      

Like everyone else, I experience loneliness from time to time. It’s an odd feeling, especially when it occurs in a crowded room or when I’m with a small company of friends. I get lost in my own thoughts and feel isolated from everything or everyone around me. I know I can be a distant introvert at times, but loneliness goes beyond that. I feel as though I’m missing something or someone in my life and that there is some sort of primeval emptiness or existential gap.

Some theologians would say that I’m actually missing God and that the loneliness in my life exists because I’m really longing to be reconnected to my Creator. The chasm that exists between us makes me feel isolated and vulnerable, unprotected and all alone. I can’t do anything to mend the breach or bridge the gap, so I’m stuck on this side of eternity, missing my Maker and feeling forsaken.

And then something amazing happens. As I call out to God in prayer, His presence fills my heart. As I reach out to God like a child holding out hands to a parent, I am suddenly lifted up spiritually and embraced by God. The loneliness lifts and my isolation ends. I am restored to God’s favor and reconnected to His love. What the psalmist wrote all of those centuries ago turns out to be true: God comes near to all who call on Him.

Perhaps you’re feeling lonely, too. Maybe you’ve lost your confidence or purpose and end up feeling isolated, misunderstood, or even unloved. Whatever the case, please call on the Lord, even as you are reading this short message. If you do, then I firmly believe that God will draw near to you and allow His presence to touch your mind, heart, and soul with His love.

Point to ponder: When I feel lonely, do I talk to God? When I talk to God, does my loneliness lift?

Prayer: Lord God, when we experience loneliness or isolation, allow us the comfort of Your presence. Keep us from feeling forsaken and bring us closer to You. In Christ’s Name, we pray. Amen.

John Stuart is a retired Scottish Presbyterian pastor now living in Knoxville, Tennessee.

Friday, December 13, 2024

Sabbath Psalms - The Singing God

Zephaniah 3:17 “The LORD your God, who is mighty to save, is with you. He will greatly delight in you, quieten you with His love, and then He will sing joyously over you.”

            I can remember someone once asking me “why do Christians sing so often in their churches?” It puzzled him that we spend so much time in worship using music and songs to convey our praise and prayers. “If you omitted the music,” he continued, “everyone would get out of church at 11.30AM. It wouldn’t make any difference to God. He’s only interested in your prayers anyway.”

            Obviously, this person hadn’t read the Bible. It’s full of songs and many passages are written lyrically. The scriptures are meant to be sung – joyfully as in the Psalms, or dolefully as in Lamentations; loudly like the Angels on the hillside, or quietly like Mary giving praise to God.

            There’s even a verse in scripture, the one that we have today, which tells us that God Himself likes to sing! Music is an integral part of creation, heaven, and salvation. Song is a sacred vehicle of how we approach God, confess to Him, and praise His glorious Name. If we were to take out music from our worship, if we were to remove all of the singing, we would be left with something tedious, droll, and unfeeling.

            Music captivates our hearts and connects with our souls, so that we may mystically and spiritually connect with God. One day, when all of His Son’s followers are gathered in eternity, we will hear the most beautiful voice and the most beautiful singing in all of creation, because that will be the sacred moment when God sings and rejoices with those who are saved.

Questions for personal reflection

In what ways do Advent songs and Christmas carols spiritually connect me to God? What do I think about God actually singing one day in Heaven?

Prayer: Lord God, we thank You for the gifts of music and song in the Bible and within our churches. We are grateful for the many ways which we can praise You through singing in church. We look forward to that wonderful moment in Your Kingdom when we will at last hear Your beautiful voice. In Jesus’ Name, we pray. Amen.

John Stuart is a Scottish Presbyterian pastor now living in Knoxville, Tennessee.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Lent devotionals - Daily prayers & reflections

            My latest Lent devotions e-book is now available on Amazon for Kindle readers. This is my fifth annual Lent e-book which hundreds of people from all kinds of denominations (and none) like to use in the lead-up to Easter. ‘Living Lent’ encourages Christian folks to take a short amount of time each day to focus on God and Christ. It’s a great spiritual practice and one that I personally recommend.

            Lent is a wonderful season which prepares people all over the world to get ready for the intense events of Holy Week. Ever since I was a pastor in Scotland, I’ve used this as a time to refocus my faith and strengthen my connection to Christ.

            In this book, you will find 47 daily devotions which start on Ash Wednesday and continue until Easter Day. The devotions are based on a short passage from the Gospel of Mark. If the readers go through the whole book, they will read the entire Gospel from beginning to end. This will help them really get to know who Jesus was and enable them to discover who Jesus is.

            Each day has a Gospel passage, a highlighted verse, a short devotion, a point to ponder, and a closing prayer. Setting aside five minutes each day will accomplish the reading of all of the above. The devotions can be used for personal prayers, family devotions, or small church groups.

            I hope that you will enjoy the devotions and that by Easter Day you will feel more confident about your faith in Christ. If you have any questions or comments to make on the devotions, please feel free to send me an email at I’ll be happy to correspond with you.

            May God bless all of your hopes and dreams, making your plans succeed.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Daily Lent Devotions for Kindle

Over the years, I've written several devotional e-books for Lent. They all have 40 daily devotions in them with unique devotions, drawings, and prayers. They are all available on Amazon and only cost 99 cents, which is a great price for a spiritual devotional book on preparing your heart, mind, and soul for Easter.

You can find all three books at the links below:

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Staff devotion: Wonders of His Love - psalm 36:5

Psalm 36:5      Your love, O LORD, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies. (NIV)

            Late last night, as I was taking the weekly garbage out, I looked up at the night sky. It was full of bright stars. I love this time of year because the skies at night are generally cloudless, so there is a vast array of planets, constellations, and even galaxies that can be seen with the naked eye.

            I always get thrilled when I see them so clearly. In response, I usually thank God for such a glorious sight and then I wish that I could actually travel through space to see the wonders of creation in close proximity.

            I also find myself closer to God through looking at His amazing handiwork. I feel His presence in a deep absorbent way that I never experience elsewhere. I guess it’s because I feel so tiny compared to the gigantic astral globes that beautifully sparkle across the heavens. I think to myself that if God could create all the vastness of the Universe, then how almighty and powerful He truly must be.

            Perhaps you are feeling downhearted or vulnerable today. Maybe you think that you’re not important or significant. Perhaps you’re depressed about your life or feel forgotten by everyone around you. Please know this: the One Who created the stars and calls them by name fully knows and loves you. You are not forsaken or abandoned; you are not unimportant or insignificant to Him. You are a child of His grace, made of the same stuff of the glorious stars, and given an everlasting soul that will always be loved, embraced, and known to God through Jesus Christ.

Question for reflection

When was the last time I looked at the stars? What does their existence tell me about God?

Prayer:            Lord God, You are the Creator of all things and the Lover of all living beings. Your power is majestically displayed across the heavens and also intimately felt within our souls. Thank You for allowing us life and letting us enjoy the wonders of Your making. In Jesus’ Name, we thankfully pray. Amen.

John Stuart is the pastor of Erin Presbyterian Church in Knoxville, Tennessee. If you would like to ask questions or make comments about today’s message, please send him an email to John is always delighted to receive your feedback on these devotions.

Today’s image is John’s latest winter drawing. It shows the Oliver’s Cabin at Cades Cove in the heart of the Great Smoky mountains. John has signed 8x10 prints available. If you would like to view a larger version, please click on the following link: Cabin

Monday, December 8, 2014

Teaching Devotion: A Woman's Touch - Mark 5:27-29

Mark 5:27-29            When she heard about Jesus, she came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak, because she thought, "If I just touch his clothes, I will be healed." Immediately her bleeding stopped and she felt in her body that she was freed from her suffering.

            It’s one of the most remarkable healing stories in the New Testament. An elderly lady, completely unassisted and acting alone, secretly touches Christ’s robe and instantly she is healed of a chronic illness which has impoverished her. It’s a desperate act of a woman who has spent everything she owned to cure her blood disease. Jesus is her one last great hope, but she is so demeaned by her illness that she cannot bring herself to publicly ask for His help. She is ashamed of the disease which condemns her to being constantly ritually unclean by her religion. All that she wants to do is to be cured and go on her way. No one notices her; no one can help her with her plight. She is all alone in the midst of the people who are crowding Jesus. She is isolated from any act of compassion or kindness from her own community.

            But her act of faith does not go unnoticed. For some strange reason, Jesus feels His divine power being drained from Him by her act of faith. He knows that someone has touched Him seeking healing. He has felt God’s power being channeled out of His own body. Perhaps it felt like an electric current passing through Him to her. Perhaps she felt a wave of energy coming out of Christ to her. Whatever the case and however it occurred, one thing was certain: Jesus knew.

            The woman is scared out of her wits when she is discovered. She has tried to avoid public shame by keeping her disease a secret. Now she is being exposed as someone who has stolen God’s gift from Jesus. She fears humiliation and punishment, but instead she receives mercy, grace, and encouragement from Christ. He is not angry that she has taken something holy from Him; instead, He is glad that her faith in Him has made her well. He does not chide or condemn; instead, Jesus praises and blesses her. He has restored her to God’s favor, as well as the community. He has given her back her life by commending her faith. Christ has blessed her with a new beginning.

            Perhaps you are seeking a blessing from God, a hurt to be healed, a situation to be sorted, or something painful to be resolved. Maybe you don’t know how to put your request into words; perhaps you cannot even voice a prayer. As Jesus would often say, “Fear not! I am with you.” Allow His Spirit to enter you; permit His comfort to support you; let His love sustain you. He has God’s power to protect you, direct you, and even correct you because He totally accepts you. Your faith in Him can make you well; your belief in Him can grant you a new beginning. Take it, receive it, and be renewed.

Questions for personal reflection

What would I like Jesus to do for me? What would He like me to do for Him?

Prayer:           Lord Jesus, heal us of all that harms us in body, mind, heart, and soul. In Your Holy Name, we pray. Amen.

John Stuart is the pastor of Erin Presbyterian Church in Knoxville, Tennessee. If you would like to ask questions or make comments about today’s message, please send him an email to

Today’s image is one of John’s latest Blue Christmas Candle drawings, simply called “Blue Christmas.” If you would like to view a larger version, please click on the following link: Blue Christmas